Busy Halloween Night following storms
By Wagontown Volunteers
October 31, 2019

On Thursday evening, members started off with driving around West Caln and West Brandywine Townships handing out candy to those out enjoying trick or treat night. Members finished just before 8 pm and returned home.

Then at 22:02 as the storms the weather service was calling for began to ramp up, an alarm was received for a wires fire in the 500 Block of W. Kings Hwy. This would start an 18 hour long event of calls for trees and wires, Fire Alarms, Water rescues, Under ground fires and quite a number of other alarms. The storms brought high winds, heavy rains and caused a good deal of damage to trees and PECO's infrastructure. The company would handle 25 plus alarms during this period that carried over well into Friday afternoon as power was restored to a large area of our first due.

Members continued to make the response as most had come to staff the station as power was out at their homes as well. Finally Friday evening, members returned for our annual turkey fair and continued to handle fire calls as we held the event.

Attached are some photos from various incidents through the period.

Units: Station 35
Mutual Aid: West Caln and West Brandywine Twps. along with PECO