Water Rescue Training Part I
By Wagontown Fire Company Training Division
July 10, 2019

On Wednesday evening as part of our weekly training program, the Water Rescue group got together to refresh the company on Water Rescue's, This training is very important as we cover two large bodies of water that are used for recreational activities by the public and numerous small ponds in our first due area.

The first part of the training included a power point presentation on water rescue procedures, movement of swift water and what dangers are beneath the surface of the water. Covering also our standard SOG's for water rescue. This type of training keeps the needed skills fresh in our members minds while we can be called to these types of emergencies at any time.

The second part scheduled for next week will be where we get the boats on the water and practice our boating skills as well as in water rescue techniques.

Wagontown is also part of the Rescue Task Force on the water rescue team and keeping our skills up is a must, and these training sessions will do just that.

Units: Station 35