High Fire Danger today - What does that mean explained
By Fire Chief Todd Ziegler
March 9, 2016

Today the Fire Danger rating for outside fires is HIGH, what does that mean? What the Fire Danger Rating program is designed to do is provide a guide to preventing outdoor fires from escalating into serious wild fires.

So the Fire Danger for today is High, Please limit outdoor burning

The Fire Danger Rating is done by the Bureau of Forestry in conjunction with the National Weather Service who looks at how much moisture is in the fuels laying on the ground, such as leaves, branches and stuff brought down by the winter. Then they look at the temperature and how much moisture is in the air which is known as relative humidity.

When the temps are up, humidity is low and their is not much moisture in the laying fuels the fire danger is high, such as the case today.

So when the fire danger is high or above, you should limit your outdoor fires such as controlled burns, trash fires and camp fires which could spread easily in these conditions.

Any questions on if or when you should burn you can contact the fire station or the Township Fire Marshal.