Colder weather coming for the New Year
By Wagontown Fire Company
December 25, 2017

While we have been enjoying a milder winter this coming week the forecast is for a lot colder temperatures, here are some things you can do to minimize the impact of the weather on your homes as well as maintaining a safe home. We at Wagontown would like towish everyone a safe and Happy New Year and the upcoming forecast is,

1. At or below freezing temps are expected for the next week to 10 days with persistent much below normal cold beginning Wednesday the 27th and possibly continuing beyond New Years Day.
2. Heating systems will need to be working properly and adequately fueled to prevent freezing of pipes and infrastructure problems. Please see attached graphic for potential extreme cold impacts and safety tips.
3. Temperatures this Thursday and Friday should average around 15 degrees below normal. This becomes more important since most of the area south of I-80 is without the insulating effect of snow cover.
4. A second possibly colder outbreak should begin Sunday (NY Eve) and possibly linger through Tuesday Jan 2, 2018.